An Invisible US Hand Leading to War? Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet was an Act of Madness

Source: Counterpunch
November 24 2015

by Dave Lindorff

russian plane shot downIn considering the terrifying but also sadly predictable news of a Russian fighter jet being downed by two Turkish fighters, let’s start with one almost certain assumption — an assumption that no doubt is also being made by the Russian government: Turkey’s action, using US-supplied F-16 planes, was taken with the full knowledge and advance support of the US. In fact, given Turkey’s vassal status as a member of US-dominated NATO, it could well be that Ankara was put up to this act of brinksmanship by the US.

What makes the downing of the Russian jet, and the reported death of at least one of its two pilots (the other was reportedly captured alive by pro-turkish Turkmen fighters on the Syrian side of the Syria-Turkish border, and will presumably be returned to Russia) so dangerous is that as a member of NATO, supposedly a “mutual assistance” treaty that binds all members to come to the defense of one that is attacked, if Russia were to retaliate by downing a Turkish military plane, NATO countries including the US would be obligated to come to Turkey’s defense.

Russia knows

Russia knows this, and that is why so far the Russian response to the downing has been muted. Had it been a Jordanian, Saudi or Kuwaiti jet that downed the Russian SU-24, Russia’s response would have been instantaneous. The guilty party would have had some of its planes shot down, or perhaps even bombed on the ground. But President Putin so far has limited himself to demanding a meeting, to warning that Russian-Turkish economic relations would be threatened, etc.

This restraint is good, but clearly, Vladimir Putin will not stop there. Even putting aside domestic considerations (imaging the public clamor for a military response here in the US if some small country shot down a US plane!), he will have to respond or his whole project — so far stunningly successful — of restoring Russia to its pre-USSR-collapse position as a global power, would be a failure.

Putin’s options

Putin’s options are actually quite broad, though some carry considerably more risk for everyone, not just for Russia and Turkey. He could have his own air-force in Syria, where Russia is legally acting at the request of the Syrian government to defend it against rebel forces of ISIS and Al Nusra, some of which are backed by both Turkey and the US, calmly wait for a Turkish military jet to cross into Syrian airspace. At that point it could be downed by Russian planes or missiles.

No doubt Turkey will be extraordinarily careful going forward to have its pilots keep well away from Syrian air space to avoid that, but it could happen. My guess is that Russian fighter pilots and anti-aircraft batteries in Syria already have their marching orders to take that action, which probably would not activate NATO confrontation with Russia and lead to World War III, as long as there was reasonable evidence that Turkey’s plane was in Syrian airspace.

But should no such opportunity present itself, Russia has plenty of other opportunities to counter Turkey. Remember, Russia is also defending Syria’s coastline, and could sink or capture a Turkish ship that entered Syrian waters (or Russian waters in the Black Sea, which borders both countries).


Russia — knowing that this is really not about Turkey, but about push-back by the US against growing Russian power and influence, both globally and in the Middle East region — could also choose to respond in a venue where it has more of an advantage, for example in Ukraine, where it could amp up its support for the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, perhaps by downing a Ukrainian military plane, or more broadly, providing air cover to protect those regions. Russia could also, less directly, provide aid to Kurdish rebels in both Syria and in Turkey itself who are fighting against Turkish forces.

I’m sure there are plenty of other options available to Russia also to turn the screws against both Turkey and NATO, without openly pushing buttons that could lead to a direct confrontation with the US and its NATO fiction. Working in Russia’s favor is that the US aside, the European nations of NATO have no desire to be at war with Russia. There are clearly hotheads in the US Congress, the Pentagon, and perhaps even within the neo-con-infested Obama administration, who are pushing for just such a mad showdown. But in Europe, where the actual fighting would mostly occur, and where memories are still strong of the destructive power of war, there is no taste for such insanity. It could, in fact, have been a big error in the long run for the US to push Turkey into such a deadly provocation, if it leads to more anti-American sentiment among the citizens of such key NATO countries as France, Germany, Italy and Britain.


It should be added that Russia and China have become much closer in recent years, economically, politically and militarily. This means there is also the possibility that the two countries could, in concert, step up pressure on the US in the western Pacific, for example by forcing down one of the provocative US flights near China’s new island projects in the South China Sea. That would force an already stretched US military to shift more forces to Asia from Europe and the Middle East.

It is all terribly dangerous and it is hard to predict where things will lead. One thing seems certain, though. This outrageous shootdown of a Russian plane that was in no way posing a threat to Turkey or Turkish forces, will not end here, because Russia and President Putin cannot allow Turkey and NATO to so blatantly act against Russia and its pilots and go unpunished, particularly as it is Russia that is acting legally in Syria, while the US, Turkey and other nations backing rebel forces there are in all acting blatant violation of international law.

Unless saner heads start prevailing in Washington, this could all quickly spiral into the kind of situation in 1914, where a lot of ill-conceived treaties led to a minor incident in the Balkans turning inexorably into World War I.

Dave Lindorff is a founding member of ThisCantBeHappening!, an online newspaper collective, and is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press).

More articles by:  Dave Lindroff

Source:  An Invisible US Hand Leading to War? Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet was an Act of Madness

Fidel Castro: An Uncertain Future

fidel 12During their evolution, Homo Sapiens, as intelligent beings unique among millions of living species, never had a concept of the nature of, or reason for, their existence. Endowed with the ability to think, they were governed by strict instincts. They knew nothing of the rest of their marvelous planet. It is not even known when they came into possession of this ability; in rare instances some state that it was a million years ago or a little more, but it is generally considered to have been more than 200,000 years ago.

Today we know that the number of planets with similar features to that of our own, in the same galaxy in which we find ourselves, amount to billions, within what we know as the universe. I hope not to offend anyone by addressing the issue of what we are or what we think we are.

Two days ago, on October 5, the television channel Russia Today’s website, a reputable news agency, reported that Laura Mersini-Houghton, prestigious professor at the University of North Carolina, demonstrated that supermassive black holes do not exist and that the Big Bang theory is unfounded. This, I believe, will come as a shock to many people who transformed such a theory into an act of faith.

Laura Mersini-HoughtonThe highest authority on this topic would be British scientist Stephen Hawking, a man of Continue reading

Obama Backs Down on Crimea

nazi crimea or russia
Obama backs down on Crimea


“I never thought I’d live to see the day when the US State Department whitewashed the neo-Nazi views and heritage of a gang of thugs who had seized power in a violent coup d’état. In Iraq, Libya, and Syria, US policymakers empowered radical Islamists of one sort or another. That was bad enough. Today, however, in Ukraine they are empowering the heirs of Adolf Hitler. How is this not a scandal?”

–Justin Raimondo, From Iraq to Ukraine: A Pattern of Disaster

The Obama administration suffered its worst foreign policy defeat in 5 years on Sunday when the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to reject Washington’s Nazi-backed junta government in Kiev and join the Russian Federation. The balloting, in which more than 93 percent of voters “approved splitting off and joining Russia” reflects the strong ethnic, cultural and historic ties its people share with Moscow as well as the understandable fear that being “liberated” by the US could lead to grinding third world poverty and widespread mayhem the likes of which are manifest in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria.

The Obama administration rejected the nearly-unanimous referendum opining that they would not accept the results and would push for economic sanctions on Russia as early as Monday. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the referendum “complied with international law” and that he would honor the will of the people. Putin, who was attending the Paralympic games in Sochi, has wisely stayed above the fray throughout the crisis brushing off the hysterical accusations and threats issued almost daily by President Obama or his vaudevillian sidekick John Kerry, the most incompetent buffoon to ever serve as US Secretary of State. Between Obama, Kerry and the irascible John McCain, who traipses from one media venue to the next spouting his cold war fulminations like an old man shooing kids off the front lawn, the US has made a spectacular hash of things leaving US foreign policy in a shambles. The Crimea fiasco shows that while Team Obama may be chock-full of fantasists, spin-doctors and crystal-gazing globalists it is sadly lacking in geopolitical pragmatists with a solid grasp of the way the world works. Obama has been no match for Putin who has trumped him at every turn. Here’s a clip from an article by the Associated Press:

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Cuba Rejects Interference in Venezuela and Ukraine

Source:  Presna Latina

Havana, Mar 6 2014

Brundo Rodriguez Parrilla, foreign minister of CubaCuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned today pro-interference policies against Venezuela and Ukraine that encourage violence and prevent citizens in those countries from exercising their rights.

In a press conference, Rodriguez rejected the resolutions approved by the UN Senate and House and the pro-interference attempts by the Organization of American States against Venezuela.

He expressed Cuba’s unswerving, full solidarity with Venezuela against attempts to destabilize and topple the government and the interference into its internal affairs, mainly by the United States.

He commented that violence generated in that country by right-wing groups has caused several deaths and numerous wounded, and prevented Venezuelan citizens from exercising their rights, and all this deserves condemnation.

“Venezuela has the right to defend its independence and sovereignty,” said Cuba’s top diplomat, who added that Cuban workers will continue fulfilling their duty and sharing the fate of the heroic Venezuelan people under any circumstance..

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Will History Repeat Itself

Source:  Jamaica Observer

by Trevor Brown

Obama 5One of my disappointment with the administration of United States of America President Barak Obama and his western allies is that they seem not to have a sense of history, or are prepared to go against good judgement and even to back ‘scorched earth’ policies, if geopolitical and economic gains are in the offing.

Read more:

Bolivia: Attack Against President Morales is State Terrorism

July 8

Evo Morales 6The insult to President Evo Morales from Spain, France and Italy by hijacking his plane was a case of peace time State terrorism, stated Communication Minister Amanda Davila, who announced that ambassadors of those European countries have been summoned by Bolivia’s Foreign Ministry. In a press conference from Quemado Palace, Davila, who is also presidential spokeswoman, said the ambassadors have been required to appear at the Foreign Ministry headquarters to explain the reason of the air blockade against the Bolivian presidential plane.

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Global NATO and the Catastrophic Failure in Libya

Source: Monthly Review Press:

Global nato and LibyaNew from Monthly Review Press!

a sweeping account of Gaddafi’s murder,
NATO’s devastation of Libya,
and the new scramble for African resources

Global NATO and the
Catastrophic Failure in Libya

Lessons for Africa in the Forging of African Unity


In this incisive account, scholar Horace Campbell investigates the political and economic crises of the early twenty-first century through the prism of NATO’s intervention in Libya. He traces the origins of the conflict, situates it in the broader context of the Arab Spring uprisings, and explains the expanded role of a post-Cold War NATO. This military Continue reading

United States Makes Frantic Efforts to Take Over Africa

Thursday, 04 April 2013 00:00
Prof. James Mbwabwadze

africa - impetialist invasionsTHE United States of America, the world’s colossus, with the temerity to trample upon smaller nations, has made frantic efforts to take over Africa by laying siege to the continent’s vast natural resource base, through a more subtle colonialism.

Namibia: Shocked at Obama’s words about Chavez

Open Letter to USA Ambassador to Namibia

Madam Wanda Nesbit,
US Ambassador to Namibia

Your Excellency,

WE have learnt with shock that President Barrack Obama said on US TV Network Univision that; “The most important thing is to remember that the future of Venezuela should be in the hands of the Venezuelan people. We have seen from Chavez in the past authoritarian policies and suppression of dissidents.”

hugo chavez 12We find Your President’s statement to be untrue and unfortunate choice of words. At no point in time did the late Cde Hugo Chavez suppress or impose authoritarian rule on his people. Cde Chavez will forever be remembered as an engine of the Bolivarian revolution and was very much clear on peace and justice for all.

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Russia: We’ll not allow the Libyan experience to be reproduced in Syria

Reblogged from Piazza Della Carina

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey LavrovRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russian and U.S. diplomats are meeting Sunday with U.N. peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi for more talks on Syria, adding that the Americans were wrong to see Moscow as softening its position.

Russia agreed to take part in the talks in Geneva, he said, on the condition there would be no demand for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down.

“We’ll not allow the Libyan experience to be reproduced in Syria. Unfortunately our Western partners have departed from the Geneva accords and are Continue reading