Howard University School of Law Hosts Forum on the Cuban Five

Washington, DC, Nov. 13, 2012: Howard University School of Law Forum

Unjustly imprisoned in the U.S. for Defending Cuba: The Case of the Cuban Five

Wrongly imprisoned now for 14 years, the Cuban Five are not widely known in the United States, yet the outcome of their case will have a profound impact on the U.S. justice system and U.S.-Cuba relations. At the heart of their struggle is the fundamental and constitutional right of a defendant to a fair trial, and the right of Cuba to defend itself from terrorism. There is a movement in the U.S. and worldwide to demand their freedom.

Admission: Free
Sponsors: National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Howard University School of Law

For more information on the Five, visit,

Fidel Denounces Media Deception, Lies

Havana, Oct 22 (Prensa Latina)

The leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, said today that although many people in the world are deceived by the media which is almost completely in the hands of privileged and wealthy owners who publish garbage, generally speaking, people are less and less taken in by such lies.

“All it took was a message to the graduates from the first course of the Victoria de Girón Institute Medical Sciences to set it off”, the Cuban leader said in a note published at the Cubadebate website entitled “Fidel Castro esta agonizando” (Fidel Castro is on his deathbed).

In the article, Fidel also noted that the news agencies “added the most unusual stupidities in their dispatches.” Similarly, he stated that Spain’s ABC newspaper had reported that a Continue reading

Rid the World of the Relics of Colonialism – Cuba

(Edited) Statement by Ambassador Oscar León González, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cuba, at the General Debate of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee). Agenda Items 58 to 60. New York, 8 October 2012.

We fully support the statements made by Iran and Chile, on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, NAM, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), respectively.

Colonialism continues

The scourge of colonialism continues despite the deadlines set by this Organization for its eradication. Many of the objectives agreed upon in this regard are still outstanding. Continue reading

In Cuba Voters Select Candidates

Interview by Argentine journalist Carlos Aznárez with President Ricardo Alarcón of the National Assembly of People’s Power

Outside of Cuba there is an idea that elections here are questionable insofar as there is only one Party. How is the Cuban electoral system organized and what are its values, speaking in terms of democracy?

In Cuba voters select candidatesWe are now in an electoral process. This is one of the fundamental differences with the model in vogue, with its supposed paradigm. The essence of election system in the contemporary Western world implies that electors, who are not all citizens but rather a part, are called on to vote for certain candidates who have Continue reading

Cuba’s Report to the 67th UN General Assembly on the US Embargo

The economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba began to be implemented as from the very moment when the Cuban Revolution triumphed in 1959, and all along these years it has been even more institutionalized and refined through the approval of several Presidential Proclamations and legal measures that have turned it into an increasingly rigorous and all-embracing policy.

Read more at:

Throw it in the Dustbin of History: The Gambia on the US Embargo Against Cuba

Dr Isatou Njie Saidy at the 67th General Assembly of the UN

In her speech to the recently concluded 67th General Assembly of the UN, held in New York, the vice president of The Gambia, Dr Isatou Njie Saidy, addressed much of the burning issues facing the international community.  Dr. Saidy spoke of the ‘deplorable’ Palestinian situation in which “Israel, the occupying power in defiance of international law, human decency and restraint is imposing a de facto situation on Palestinians”.

Speaking on the situation in Syria, she expressed support for the Annan Plan but Continue reading

My Dad is an Amazing Man

By: Susana Gómez Bugallo

One of the Cuban Five Seen By His Sons

The constant happiness Antonio transmits to others so they do not feel concerned, is something that surprises his children.

October 16 is the birthday of Antonio Guerrero, one of the five Cuban anti-terrorists unjustly held in US penitentiaries. October 16 is the birthday of Tony, the father of two sons who will never get tired of admiring their father for his sensitivity and his big heart. And since many may not know that Antonio and Tony are the same person, we asked his two sons to talk to us about this amazing man.

Photo:  From left to right: Tonito, Gabriel, Mirta, Tony and his nephew Carlos.

They would have liked to be with him all the time. But circumstances didn’t let them. They Continue reading

Cuban Doctors Treated over 600,000 Gambian Patients in 2011

Cuba and The Gambia

Cuba and Gambia have had excellent relations over the years, especially in health, sports and agriculture.  Statistics provided by Mrs. Teresa Diasy Diaz Albuerne, third Secretary at the Cuban Embassy in Banjul, in January of this year, showed that for the year 2011 alone, Cuban doctors, serving at various health facilities in The Gambia, attended to 674,820 patients including 7,707 surgical operations.  Mrs. Diaz noted that the entire Cuban general medical doctors in the country assisted 450,327 patients with each doctor attended to over 7,000 patients.  She also noted that in terms of human resource development, 258 students received training in the Banjul Medical School from the Cuban Government.

Mrs. Diaz made these comments at the School of Medicine of the Republic of The Gambia Continue reading

25th Anniversary of the Assassination of Africa’s Thomas Sankara

He is often referred to as Africa’s Che. This is what he had to say about Che: “Che Guevara taught us we could dare to have confidence in ourselves, confidence in our abilities. He instilled in us the conviction that struggle is our only recourse. He was a citizen of the free world that together we are in the process of building. That is why we say that Che Guevara is also African and Burkinabè

Thomas Sankara remains unknown to most of the world, including many Africans and people of African descent even though he is considered by some to have been one of the most outstanding revolutionary leaders produced by modern-day Africa. Sankara was born in what was then called the Republic of Upper Volta, a self-governing colony within the French Community. Sankara, an unassuming, charismatic leader, became President of his country in a 1983 popularly supported coup at the age of 33 and “immediately launched the most ambitious program for social and economic change ever attempted on the African continent” in a manner very similar to the path taken by Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolutionaries.

To symbolize this new autonomy and rebirth, he even changed the name of his country Continue reading