Cuba may have found cure for cancer

cuba's cancercureCuban doctors have filed Wednesday in Havana, the result of 14 years of research, a solution of antitumor peptides whose natural analogue is able to offer positive dynamics in cancer treatments.

According to Cuban specialists, what makes this solution unique is that peptides can act in areas of the human body that are impossible to operate on or treat with chemotherapy or other modern therapies.

A clear example of the success of the new method is the child, Leo, who was suffering from brain cancer. Now the boy looks like a regular guy and it is hard to tell at first glance that a few months ago he won a battle against death. The place where Leo had the tumor did not allow submission to the operation he needed, as undergoing the operation meant running a great risk of losing his life. The only possible remedy was using the minor drug developed by Cuban researchers Labiofam business group based on natural peptides.

Although the drug is still passing through the experimental phase, it has already demonstrated its specialist curative properties. The specialist in clinical trials at Labiofam, Niudis Cruz Zamora, highlighted the effectiveness of the product in the treatment of the child Leo. “The patient began with a huge lesion measuring height thirty-two millimeters, a big  hydrocephalus, and during the seven months he was bedridden he was only treated with the solution of natural peptides. The height decreased from 32.4 to 27.1 and in May 2013, the lesion reached its minimum size, ” he explained

Patients treated with the solution include people with advanced disease who have no alternative oncology. “I was as a vegetable, could not do anything, could not walk, could not talk,  …  for me this was a breakthrough,” says Abreu Yarislenis Castaneda who returned to a normal life thanks to the innovation of Labiofam. Experts say thanks to its impressive effect, which improves the quality of life of patients, the solution was the basis for a  medicine  that could become an ultimate weapon against cancer.

According to representatives of the company, the product could revolutionize the market. The scientists noted that they are not trying to create false expectations but solid tests on animals showed that 90% reduction of the tumor was achieved and in some cases it’s almost total disappearance. “There does not exist in the international database any active ingredients with similar effects,” says research scientist Labiofam, Alexis Díaz García. “We are anticipating that it can become a future formulation which can resolve the cases of cancer that have no solution, we are talking of breast, colon, prostate, which rank first in cancer mortality,” he added.

However, the company plans go beyond healing. The head of the business group, Jose Antonio Fraga, said that “this product is to be effective both in treating patients and prevention of disease.” Managers Research Center of  Cuba  are confident that the innovative drug production will be a major step in the near future to address this evil which takes millions of lives annually.

Source:  Cuba may have found cure for cancer

Related article  Peptide revealed antitumoral effectiveness

14 thoughts on “Cuba may have found cure for cancer

  1. FANTASTIC!!!! Given the amazing track record of medical breakthroughs in Cuba over the past several years, we are not surprised! Great job!!
    Now the WORLD we’re certain, will come a calling on Cuba (friends & foes), just make sure that this discovery is not stolen from Cuba!

  2. Wow! This is great to hear. Maybe because cancer is such a lucrative business in capitalistic countries it’ll take a small country like Cuba to find answers to the world’s highest grossing diseases.

    Let’s see if the FDA will approve cures instead of just treatments made by their highest paid lobbyist “clients.”

    • God bless Cuba. I hope that no developed countries would claim this drug and patent same in their names. Cuba should patent this drug immediately and sell to other countries at favourable cost.

  3. Pingback: Cuba may have found cure for cancer « New Drug Approvals

  4. Pingback: Cuba Develops Four Cancer Vaccines, Ignored by the Media | JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

  5. Pingback: Cuba develops four cancer vaccines, ignored by the media | Tony Seed's Weblog

  6. Pingback: Cuban trade mission starts working sessions in Jamaica | JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

  7. I am deeply relieved for such a blessing on this nation. My husband had suffered before eventually dying from tongue cancer, he was a non-smoker. I am fully supportive of your work. May God bless you all with whatever is needed to save this nation from the evil of all types of cancer.

  8. In North America we do not want a cure.
    This is big business.
    Every type of cancer now have their own headquarters, scientists, administration, employees etc. etc.
    I remember the time when I walked and raised funds for 1 cancer centre. I cannot keep up today and before you can participate in the walk you need a hefty confirmed donation.
    Then the drug companies have the same plus they have dividends to pay.
    Then we have lotteries same as a corporation. etc. etc. etc
    If you want a cure go to Cuba.

  9. Are you familiar with the Gerson Therapy? It is a “juicing system” in which organic fruits, vegetables and whole grains are blended in a certain way. It cures most forms of cancer and is extremely effective in preventing cancer. For some reason, there are a couple of types of cancer it doesn’t work on. It also involves coffee enemas to detoxify.

    Despite it’s success, there is a considerable amount of literature generated in the United states that says either that the Gerson Therapy doesn’t work or that it can be dangerous. These studies are all funded by corrupt corporations that make tens of millions of dollars yearly in the business of cancer treatment. It is a huge industry and, because of evil, greedy executives, research into cures is not well-funded.

    Gerson Therapy has been around since the 1930s, but is illegal in the U.S. The Gerson Institute is located in San Diego, California, but people have to go to Mexico or Hungary to have the full therapy. They also do a complete checkup on everyone and tell people from the start that not everyone will respond favorably to the treatment. It can’t be used at the same time as chemotherapy or on people with certain kidney ailments or metal plates in their bodies.

    You should look it up. It’s amazing.

    Thank you for reading and “liking” some of my essays. I appreciate it.

    Peace to you and all of your readers.

    • You are most welcome. Thank you for reading the JSC blog and taking the time to comment on the articles. Thanks also for following the blog.
      I subscribe to the Gerson Institute and thus routinely receive emails from them. The information provided is excellent.
      Peace and love to you and your readers.

  10. Whenever these vaccines are made available, hopefully it will be sooner than later, the many drug houses which are making billions of dollars will have to close down. The poor cannot afford these exorbitant costs charged with the result they die with tremendous pain. God is still looking down on his children through Cuba and hope that in due time the entire world will be free of this dreaded disease which takes millions to their grave each year. May God continue to bless Cuba with many more affordable medicines to help every one.

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