With Rwanda there is a historical and brotherly closeness

That African nation also opposed the inclusion of the island in the spurious list of countries sponsoring terrorism drawn up by Washington, which reinforces coercive measures and hinders the welfare and development of the Cuban people

Author: Nuria Barbosa León | internet@granma.cu

may 30, 2024 07:05:09

Photo: Dunia Álvarez

The ties that unite the peoples of Cuba and Rwanda are historical and of brotherhood and, especially on the island, there is a feeling of gratitude for the firm position of that African country against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the U.S. on the largest of the Antilles, and for the claim to be excluded from the unilateral list of State sponsors of terrorism.
This was stated in the exchange between the member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and its Secretary of Organization, Roberto Morales Ojeda, and the vice-president of the Patriotic Front Party of Rwanda, Consolee Uwimana, on an official visit to Havana.
Referring to the praiseworthy performance of the health professionals who were part of three medical brigades that worked in Rwanda until 2011, Morales Ojeda said he was convinced that “this new contingent, which is leaving for the African nation these days, of about 40 collaborators in the Medical Sciences, will initiate a new stage of cooperation,” he said.
“The collaboration that we have sustained in the field of Health and the training of professionals is a reliable example of what we can continue to do”, he assured.
He praised the participation of Cubans in the Political School implemented in Rwanda, based on the experience of the Party School System of the archipelago.
An exchange and cooperation agreement was also signed between the PCC and the Rwandan Patriotic Front.

Photo: Dunia Álvarez
Photo: Dunia Álvarez

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